Sunday, 8 December 2019

How to make money from brave browser 2019 - Earn Free BAT Token online 2019

                Earn money Online With Brave Browser

           I am back with the new idea of earning money online 2019. Have you heard about the browser known as brave. i guess you have. this browser is making history, i have personally earn About 2900$ from this browser. what! you don't believe me you can see the payment proof below.
earning from brave browser in nepal
Screenshot of Uphold account 

What is Brave Browser and Basic Attention Token (BAT) ?

there are two ways of making money from this browser. i will explain both ways. Before what you should understand what is brave browser, how it is different from other browsers and the most thing what is BAT token and how can we earn bat token and convert it to the real money. 

firstly, let me tell you what id this brave browser and how its different from other browsers such as chrome,Firefox,UC browser and so on. Brave is a browser that is available for Both mobile user and computer users. The main difference between brave and other regular browser is that you do not need to watch ads in this browser, it apply for both the mobile user and Computer user. If you are bored of watching ads, this browser is for you go for it. For eg, if you are watching a video on youtube in the regular browser you may encounter an advertisement but if you using brave browser, the ad will be automatically removed by brave browser, Isn't it amazing.

Now let talk about the reason why brave is in the hype right now. Brave has its own CryptoCurrency know As Basic Attention Token Also know as the BAT Token. This token is used to denote or fund a creator it might be a creator who makes a video on Youtube or who have a website or a page in twitter and so on. If you like any creator you can denote money through it. You can exchange the basic attention token into any other cryptocurrency or you can also sent money directly to your bank account or credit card with Uphold. All the transaction of BAT token are handle by the

How Can We Earn Bat Token

how to earn free bat

1.) Per Download $7.5 

Yes, you can earn upto $7.5 per download. This is the best way of making money online in 2019. if a user download and use brave for one month you can get money for that. There are five groups of country, if a user download brave from country like US,Uk. You will get the highest amount that is $7.5 and if the user is from country like India,Nepal you will get the lowest amount i.e $1. To be a brave creator you must have an youtube channel or website or twitter page etc. it doesn't matter how small is your channel, in any case you can be a brave creator. To be a brave publisher You can add your channel or page or website to and you should create a account and add your channel. After that you will get a link which you can share with your audience or with your friends and if they downloaded the browser and use for a month you will get the reward in your publisher account.

   To withdraw you money form brave you should have a uphold account, the must be verified. After you add a verified account in the brave publisher you will be getting the payment form brave every money in a time time as if you are getting salary. and after receive money form brave you can withdraw your money to your bank account, credit card or in any cryptocurrency.

2.) If someone send a tip

The main function of BAT token is to help the creator to earn more and create quality content so if you an audience you can ask them to help you. Many brave also provide free bat token to the regular user of brave. In this case, the user can sent you free bat token.

Things You Should Not Do

1.) You should not brave from your own link. If you want to use brave you can click here and download it right now.
2.) You should not connect a unverified uphold account.

How to make money from brave browser 2019 - Earn Free BAT Token online 2019

                Earn money Online With Brave Browser            I am back with the new idea of earning money online 2019. Have you he...